
First Generation. Von:
Her name is Jenna, and she thought she was just a normal teen, but she found out differently. She met Drake before she shifted, and didn't feel, at first, the connection he did.
Drake is her protector, her guard, he didn't think that the one he was protecting would be the one he would want to spend the rest of his life with, his mate. But as they looked into each others eyes, he knew, even if she didn't.

Love, Jenna, Drake, foster, mates
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Sequel Please I Beg You????????!!!!!!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

2 Kommentare

Haha I did write a sequel, but these books aren't being updated anymore. I'm sorry. (:


are you published or not on this site and on other let us know what is going on please dont get fans and them just crap out on us lol let us know what going on thanks

Wichtiger Beitrag

I love it and yes it deserves a sequel.. Jaikoren wasn't he the boy that she saved??

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