Hell High (UPDATED!!!)

Hell High (UPDATED!!!)
Alex's life has been destroyed by a rumour. It has taken her friends and turned them against her. Just when she thinks she's better off dead, things take an unexpected turn. Alex faces a lot of curve balls

Teen, Drama, Girls, High School, Love, Rumours, Sex
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This Book Was Great(Should make a second part)<3

2 Kommentare

I am writing and editing more to it :)

Dieser Kommentar wurde gelöscht.
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add more please ik u just added more but itd GREATTTTT i love ur work

1 Kommentar

I uploaded more. Sorry it took me so long. Life kinda got in the way. :P

Wichtiger Beitrag

i have always loved high school romance novels, i have written some but just for myself but this seems just like mine.
I really like the title of the book and the cover of it, suits it completely, i think u have written it awesomely and i would really like to read more, this was fantastic and i will be waiting up for the part where Alex gives Brittany a punch in the face .
Another thing i like is the main character's name,... mehr anzeigen

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plz finish this book plz and keep me updated thanx ur book is going great by the way so plz finish this book

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