Below the Waves: Diving on the Hawaiian Reef

Old West Style Von:
Below the Waves: Diving on the Hawaiian Reef

Diving on the Hawaiian Reef: is a stylized photography-based educational book about various ocean life found off the Hawaiian coast. This is a fact-based book that educates about native Hawaiian sea life. The photos have all been taken off the coast of Oahu in Hawaii. Enjoy beautifully stylized photos of underwater marine life paired with interesting facts about the animals photographed. 

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Bellow the Waves: Diving on the Hawaiian Reef"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Below the Waves: Diving on the Hawaiian Reef
Old West Style
5,49 US$
Below the Waves: Diving on the Hawaiian Reef
Art Deco
5,49 US$

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5,49 US$
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