Bearded Dragons for Beginners

The complete guide to Caring, Health, Diet, Breeding, Habitat and tips on how to raise Healthy Bearded Dragons as pets Von:
Bearded Dragons for Beginners

Are you a pet-owner looking for your first reptile, or perhaps you are already a herpetologist looking for another lizard?

Either way, the Bearded Dragon is a friendly lizard that can be welcomed into any home and are fantastic for beginners due to their docility and ability to adapt to captivity

Affectionately known as Beardies, in the wild they are commonly found living in trees and on the ground in Australia and are known for their mouth-wide-open “smiles” (which is actually a way to help them cool down)!

Relatively easy to care for, they enjoy eating leafy vegetables and insects. In captivity, you will either see them enjoying the shade or basking themselves in the light. They are very tolerant to handling and are one of the most popular reptile companions.

In this book “bearded dragons for beginners”, I will be teaching you everything you need to know on how to successfully raise a healthy bearded dragon as pets.

In here, you will learn about their Feeding, care, habitat, their sizes, colors, appearances, handling, breeding, heating and lighting and safety tips to raising bearded dragons as pets. And so much more!!!


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