A Ticket to the Past

A Ticket to the Past
A Ticket to the Past tells of an ordinary family, their daily lives, events, and growing pains...but who's to say what exactly defines...ordinary?

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great storytelling, Elizabeth. I'm now inspired to go through all the "miscellaneous" boxes in my closet.

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Wayne, I am sorry your memories will take such a dire path concerning your son. Life hands us unexpected grief without warning, and no clear way of handling the hours just ahead. I can only give you my support in my mind and heart. Blessings to you as you chart your way through the present time. Elizabeth

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Elizabeth, this is a very, very touching story! I'm just wondering, but did this actually happen?

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this was a pretty good book,it made me think a lot about my past, some good some bad, but i thank for it all.

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Thanks, poppingorangejelly11. I am glad you enjoyed my story. Thanks for the star. Elizabeth

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This is my favorite of Elizabeth Towles' entries to date. Sweet and sad and so delightfully reminiscent of the most important relationships we have. A very personal piece to leave to family.

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Thanks, girlinglasses, for your read, and for your comments. Elizabeth

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Wow, I really enjoyed reading this. It was very sweet and sort of calming to me. Just shows that life goes on and there are things to learn from everything.

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