Black as Ebony

User: lomakye
Black as Ebony
At first all ebony sees is the cute emo boy down the street climbing out of his window and disappearing where is he going and were are his parents so she finds out as soon he moves in with her after a bad accident but when they get snowed in together on a trip up north what should make ebony worry the fact that they are forced to sleep together in the same bed or the fact that he has a secret he won’t share after she told him her biggest secret what could happen you’ll have to read to find out I don’t know really I have no idea yet I haven’t finished it

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I would like to invite you to write on the platform I work with.
If you are interested, you can reach me on insta: ods.apa or message me at leonandre880 (at) g m a i l (dot) com

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Its like..whipe lash lol...almost, you have several times when there are run on sentences, about the 6th or so page it was one block of writing and i had to read it several times before i understood what u where trying to say. There are also several spelling errors As i said before I wasnt trying to be rude Just thought maybe you should be informed. I know how it is *sigh*. I have a question too, what is the protection on... mehr anzeigen

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I am not trying be harsh, or rude, but i am going to be frank, please dont take this the wrong way, but the beggining of the story is rather confusing. Please revise and edit. But i absolutly love the story line, it is very catching.

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im currently working on the second art with is from Allen's point of view

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THIS BOOK WAS AWESOME FROM WHT I HAVE READ I REALLY REALLY HOPE YA RIGHT (sry dont know how 2 spell dat word 4 de right meanin) MORE I LOVED IT <3 <3 <3 PLEZZZZ

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