Behind masks.

Love is not always sweet... Von:
User: Theodore
Behind masks.

I believe some like conventional love stories,they probably live them too.Some of us don´t ,we live in another realm.Still,I hope these stories reach all.Stories only come alive when someone reads them.

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Fascinating, you write in an enigmatic manner that unfolds as the reader progresses. I have never encountered this style before and while I like it I cannot critique it. You do have some grammatical errors but I'm sure you will pick them up on a future edit if you plan to make this work public.

I read it to the end and found it readable and even enjoyable. Well done and I hope you keep writing.

1 Kommentar

Thank you so much!I will check the errors,I happen to be a sort of impatient being and sometimes overlook errors.I appreciate your words a lot!

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