Summer of My 18th Year

User: Elaya Ice
Summer of My 18th Year
This is one of my first exercises at a writing class as well as more of a short story, through Writer's Studio. It was a lot of help with fresh ideas, and learning many styles of writing. I hope you enjoy it, and please be honest about your critiques. So that I will continue improving, and do some editing along the way.

Also there are other short stories as well from my literture class as a self-bio pieces. Some poetic, some are snippets of memories.

I'll probably reorganize the chapters a little later, so if it's confusing at first, I'll fix it soon, you don't have to wait though, since each is like it's own seprate piece.

Here' the excerise (aka.preamble) that sparked the idea:

Writer's Studio
June 2012

Preamble: Creating a first-persona narrator that is based on a younger version of myself. A specific moment in my life; age, setting, and season. Try to reveal something about the narrator; wishes, desires, hurts, and conflicts. Focus on technique and the freedom the voice gives you. Think about the tone of my narrator, not so much mood, but how to separate the two of them.

summer, 18, sundae, torn, pages, drawings, human, end, matches, alone
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