
User: Elaya Ice
An outcast, Aya a.k.a. Ice has to get through normal day to day life.
However while there is comfort in solitude,
Will she ever find anyone who is willing to accept her for herself?

This is the excerise the idea came from. I took it out of the book. However I know the some of us love writing, but have trouble coming up with ideas. So I put it here in the blurb, so it won't detract from the story.

Writer's Studio (Workshop)
July/August 2012

Preamble: A third person narrator who is unpretentious storyteller allowing the story to unfold itself. A tone that is light and conversational and fills the scene with mood. Describing three scenes from the place to interaction of a group of people than the main character.

Ice, girl, blood, Mr.Stern, October
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