Queer Stories For Boys And Girls (Fiscle Part-Ix)

Queer Stories For Boys And Girls (Fiscle Part-Ix)
Edward Eggleston (December 10, 1837 – September 3, 1902) was an American historian and novelist.[1]
Eggleston was born in Vevay, Indiana, to Joseph Cary Eggleston and Mary Jane Craig. As a child, he was too ill to regularly attend school, so his education was primarily provided by his father. He was ordained as a Methodist minister in 1856.[2] He wrote a number of tales, some of which, especially the "Hoosier" series, attracted much attention. Among these are The Hoosier Schoolmaster, The Hoosier Schoolboy, The End of the World, The Faith Doctor, and Queer Stories for Boys and Girls.

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