The Future of Astronomy

User: user12
The Future of Astronomy

Edward Charles Pickering (July 19, 1846 – February 3, 1919) was anAmerican astronomer and physicist[1] as well as the older brother of William Henry Pickering.

Along with Carl Vogel, Pickering discovered the first spectroscopic binary stars. He wrote Elements of Physical Manipulations (2 vol., 1873–76)

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Oakland, CA

You ought to know - you've been conning readers for years with your silly
charts, dry statistics and total ignorance of facts on the ground. Your brand
is as tired and self-serving as those you point at; we who need neither of you
go about our lives despite this and the likes of you - daylight Cassandras,
killjoy crones running for office, unhinged gravy-trains riders from
Califoristan, spoon-fed swells serving the... mehr anzeigen

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