The Moccasin Maker

User: user12
The Moccasin Maker
Emily Pauline Johnson (also known in Mohawk as Tekahionwake –pronounced: dageh-eeon-wageh, literally: 'double-life')[1] (10 March 1861 – 7 March 1913), commonly known as E. Pauline Johnson or just Pauline Johnson, was a Canadian writer and performer popular in the late 19th century. Johnson was notable for her poems and performances that celebrated her First Nations heritage; her father was a hereditary Mohawk chief of mixed ancestry. She also drew from English influences, as her mother was an English immigrant. One such poem is the frequently anthologized "The Song My Paddle Sings".

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That's what I'm talking about

In my lifetime I've seen many hurricanes come and go across the Alantic but for some reason this one makes me worried. I don't know why but this one's just giving me a bad gut feeling. You look at the past and see hurricane opal and it was a category 4, yet it had very little time to actually achieve that category. This one has more time and even though windshear is going to be playing a part in... mehr anzeigen

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