Destiny Of The Tears

Destiny Of The Tears
Hailey is a 15 year old girl that lives in the town of Linshore, She has 3 best friends, Claire,Isabelle and Sienna. Hailey is different from her 3 best friends though, she has a secret that she can't tell anyone, not even her best friends. *Wrote this for a story I had to write for school* Might Update*
*Short Story.

vampires, bloodymarry, fantasy, Shortstory
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks., I am going to try and finish this story soon though because its due in about a week, So I will update on here as soon as I get it finished.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I am slightly interested. Though before I can place it as one of my fav. I have to read the story first. Both of your stories look like they would be good ones, but since you don't have them written on paper yet I'll just have to wait.

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