Rain is me <3

A rainy story of a Pluviophile Von:
User: Sakshiii
Rain is me <3

Hila, a Muslim girl, is a pluviophile.

Throughout the book, we'll live the beautiful life of Hila, & experience all the ups & downs of her life. 


Guys, I'll be updating my book soon. Till then, I would love to know if you guys liked it.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Michael Jeey

love this cutie....truly captivating

3 Kommentare

Tehehe thank you! ^_^

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Gelöschter User

You are very talented and the story is interesting. It is in a style that is yours individually and culturally. Some of it might be puzzling to an English reader who has no international experience and that would limit the sale-ability of such writing. The quandary I see in this work is do you make the English more proper and inadvertently reduce it's authentic nature. I like it as is and wish you good luck in sharing.

1 Kommentar

Thank you so much.

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1 Kommentar

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! ^_^

Wichtiger Beitrag
Rana Ajeeb Rahman

I'm Still reading, but I am attracted to your way of defining every character: beauty, anger, physically and much more. Very nice :)

1 Kommentar

Thank you so much! This really means a lot. :D

Wichtiger Beitrag
ashish sharma

after reading story I found my self in love with hila, I feel like the story of 2 states #annanya , nice story, hila was sweet and kind,

1 Kommentar

Thank you! :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

Awesome Sakshi. "Rain is me" is just a splendid book. u wrote it beautifully. Are u also a Pluviophile?
I am a Pluviophile..... :)
Love Your books. Do Keep Writing....

5 Kommentare

Thanks a ton :D
Yeah, I'm :D
Yes, I will :)


wow, we have something common. And I can connect with "Hila".. I have many things common with her... :P :P


Lol, thanks a lot once again :D


most welcome once again.... :)


:D :)

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