Data Communication and Computer Networks

Networking Von:
Data Communication and Computer Networks

The text book is written in simple and easily understandable language.This book can be used as a self-study guide for compter science students.I made (Dr.Prakash Kumar)sincere attempts to analyse every important topic completely and put before the reader of this book in the best presentable form.This book is uniquely different from many other books in a number of ways. Some of the unique features of the book are as under:


  • Beginner to advanced apporoach to the subject.
  • Simple and easy understandable language.
  • Include examples to illustrate concept.
  • Systematic and sequential arrangement of different topics.
  • It can be used for one semester or one quarter course.
  • Eminently suitable for self study.
  • Detailed study of important topics such as Communication system, OSI Model, Ethernet LAN ,Network security and Cryptography.

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