Daily Devotion with the Holy Spirit: 30 Days Devotional

to Enhance Intimacy and Fellowship with the Holy Spirit & Prayers that will change your life for ever. Von:
Daily Devotion with the Holy Spirit:  30 Days Devotional

Beloved, you are about to discover the secrets to knowing God more than ever before.  One question that is you may be asking right now in your heart is how can I be intimate with someone I can’t see, hear, or touch? God and I can’t go out for coffee or even give each other a hug. Yet we know that God created us for intimate fellowship with him.

You may also want to ask the following questions

  1. How can i know God?
  2. How can I discern his voice and feel love for him in my heart?
  3. How can I hear God when he is speaking to me?

 In this book, which contains 30 days devotional with the holy spirit, you will know how to  develop  intimacy with the God of the universe, you will know God the more, You will be happy throughout the rest of your life and your prayers will automatically be answered when you move closer to God.

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