holy spirit the master solution

Solve all your problems through the power of the Holy Spirit Von:
holy spirit the master solution

We have two kinds of spirit, they are 1 Holy spirit-the spirit of God he is the third in trinity 'he is holy, pure and clean.

 The Holy Spirit is God himself, creator of all things both living and non-living things. He was in the creation of man and angels both faithful and falling angels including Lucifer known as satan, devil, old serpent, and deceiver.

 He is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.

2   Evil spirit or unclean spirit is a spirit of the devil. It is evil, dirty, unclean, impure, cunning, stubborn, lying, disobedient, and perverse.

It is a spirit of destruction and rebellion.

 Holy Spirit has all the power to solve all problems in your life be physical or spiritual. He can solve the following;1 Health 2  Oppression- witchcraft, marine, and familiar spirits. 3 Marriage  4  Finance  5  Business or Work  6 Family  7 Pregnancy or Fruit of the womb  8 Leadership 9 Education 10 Media and Technology. And so on.

The greatest treasure in the world is Holy Spirit and if you have Him you have everything. Join me in this powerful book to know Him and find a solution to your problems with seven days of powerful midnight prayers.

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