Rex Tillerson in Islamabad: What do Americans still want from destabilized Pakistan?

USA should let Pakistan decide its own course. Von:
User: abdulruff
Rex Tillerson in Islamabad: What do Americans still want from destabilized Pakistan?
  1. Prolific writer, Educationist; Independent Analyst; Investigative journalist, Columnist contributing articles to many  newspapers and journals on world politics; Expert on Mideast affairs, Chronicler of foreign occupations & freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc.)  Chancellor-Founder of Center for International Affairs (CIA); Commentator on world affairs & sport fixings, Former university teacher; Author of eBooks/books; *Editor: International Opinion, Foreign Policy; Palestine Times: website: email;Phone: 91-7293435028  (If by mistake the article is not pasted or  not clear, please alert me and I shall do the needful as quickly as possible and pl do edit the articles if necessary) Thanks a lot for depositing the remuneration to my State Bank of India - Account No: 62310377429 Bank Code: SBIN0020731 (Earlier  it was State bank of Hyderabad) 

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USA, Pakistan, NATO, India
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