Addie's Rose

What Now? Von:
User: donnag
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u wrote it very good to me! and the things that u talked about was heart filled from your expierence. and i followed you there and back.the one thing i didnt find!was your fellings to everything that happened. but i guess you didnt want it out there yet.but that is what makes it come to life,and people to fell your pain, or what you was feeling at the time. i still like the way you wrote it.

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Thank you so much for reading my story. This is actually my first attempt at writing and I've recieved so many nice comments.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed it - I appreciate the fact that you all could 'feel' the story.

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I lost my Grandmother in the same manner. Being in the hospital, telling me stories that could not have happened(as far as I knew...) amputation after amputation and then the final goodbye.

Well told and well written...

God bless,


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What a heart-breaking story Donna...
I hope (as many others have mentioned), that you are recovering from this triple loss in your life.
Very sad.

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Your story caused flashbacks for me about my grandmother. I hope you have finally found the peace at the passing of your 'best friend.'

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There are few earthly bonds greater than one's relationship with one's mother. So many pristine descriptions and heartfelt memories that I can relate to, and, though straightforward, the story is very compelling.

This is a great testament to your undying image of your mother, and it makes for some wonderfully beautiful prose. Even though the ending is abrupt, the true message of the story doesn't end with the text.

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A truly beautiful and inspiring book. Very well written. I am envious of your relationship with your mother. More of us should have that kind of relationship with our parents. Keep up the good work and don't stop writing.

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petra michelle

is so heartfelt and gut wrenching, Donna! When I began reading, I didn't expect that Addie was the mother/
sister/best friend...everything!

Brava to your first attempt at writing a short story! Definitely has my vote!

Blessings! Petra :))

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Wow! What a touching yet heartbreaking story. Great job!

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I loved this book cause it has a lot of feeling and it is a true life experience, not some made up stuff. I loved that the writer loved her mom so much, that she would write a loving story about her.

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Thank you for your gracious comment and for reading my story.

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