were the hell am I

User: dinagalli
were the hell am I
April is in an alter reality. How she got there is a mystery. It is just like her world, with the same people but it is in a different dimension . oh and in this world the women have penises and breast?

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I would like to invite you to write on the platform I work with.
If you are interested, you can reach me on insta: ods.apa or message me at leonandre880 (at) g m a i l (dot) com

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Thanks I go threw periods were i dont write at all, but this book is like a freeky friday with a bad ending but its a funny one too,
On August 14th 2011

Wichtiger Beitrag

Good start..love to read more!x

1 Kommentar

Thanks I go threw periods were i dont write at all, but this book is like a freeky friday with a bad ending but its a funny one too, ;-)

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