How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #1)

How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #1)

We want to do something like:


- To talk to a stranger

- To talk to a friend

- To have a chat with a new student

or even


- To Talk some kinda a random person



What's the case!


- We are afraid of rejection

- We have fear

- We are not ready

- We feel like it's not going to work

- We give too much fuck

- We start caring too much

- We start attachment (From 0 it becomes a real 10)

- We get shameful (Because we are afraid of what we are going to say)

- We Overhelm our head with too much thoughts



Note: It's time to end all this shit!


Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Junior Talker"
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