The Chronicles of Alion Book 1

Flora's Delirium Von:
The Chronicles of Alion Book 1

                            Werewolves Vs Hunters

          Near the city of Hobo, in a mystical land called Alion, Enzo Drax, a null, meets Flora Bradley, a woman unaware of her true heritage. Both betrayed by the secrets they keep from each other. Fate spells out its plot for both lovers.




A sequel of short paranormal, fantasy romance of approximately 12000 words in length.

  The Page length varies due to reader’s settings. But please, understand this is a short story and not a novel. Short stories are the mini candy bars of fiction; little sweet nothings that melt too fast. That’s why you can never stop at just one! J


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Much better scene building! Now to work on your English, which while extremely good, is still the victim of our bizarre way of expressing things properly.

For instance, you tend to change tense from present to past within the same sentence, a major no-no in any kind of writing (for instance, "became" is past tense - use "becomes" instead). You also do what's called "head-hopping," a popular way of saying "omniscient point of... mehr anzeigen

3 Kommentare
Deu' Angel

Thanks, i'll work on that

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