Trusting Him..

Trust takes years to build… but seconds to shatter Von:
Trusting Him..
Jamie is what you would say sweet,down to earth,and can sometimes be judgmental.But thats what she shows on the outside.On the inside she is scared or getting hurt,she has been through alot since she was born.Her parents split up when she was born,she's been hurt by so many guys she lost count,and she feels like she can't trust any guy at all.But what happens when camron comes in to the picture and wants to show her that she can trust him.But it's gonna be kinda hard for Jamie to ignore him when he lives next door.Right?

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Jamie Scott Series"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Trusting Him..
Trust takes years to build… but seconds to shatter
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Wichtiger Beitrag
Christiana Hinojosa

Love it and I want more. Please update this book.

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