The Devils Wife

The Devils Wife
Helana was a girl who hated life.She was the prettiest girl on earth until she had a dream from the devil.The devil said marry me my beautiful girl whom is so sick of life marry me come to Hell with come come com.

Could that have convinced the poor beautiful girl.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Hells sweet family"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Devils Wife
Beiträge und Kommentare
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I'm tying won't let me illness my friend so sorrrrry

2 Kommentare
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yes i can i apologize it was at school so i had little time to fix it and thnx so much

Wichtiger Beitrag

can make the words bigger and use a different font cause i could barely read it, i had to zoom in a bunch of times before i could read it.

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