Scraps of Life

User: nisambaze
Scraps of Life
Sometimes when you have to write something and that something has to come from within yourself. Sometimes you read what you wrote and see your reflection though shimmering like through water in a pond. So these are my scraps, little scraps of my life. I'm trying to fit a jigsaw but for that I need these scraps.

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spymac, classic, poetry
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

the nightbloom, very good, very good.

3 Kommentare

Thank you :)

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WOW I really enjoyed them, I find it hard writing poetry :( but I loved yours :)

1 Kommentar

Thanks! :-). Hope to write more but can't at the moment.

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Thanks for reading Rayanda. I promise to revenge - uh um , I mean to also read your books lol!

If you like it, put a star on it.

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Petra, you've made my week. Now to think of a deep dark secret setting to place my characters (sorry guys) in my soon to be published novel or novella.

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petra michelle

is so fresh and innocent, Denis! I so enjoyed Nightbloom. It was so endearing. And of course who couldn't relate to Friendly. And for all writers, Y and Writer's Block is so right on! We've all been there!
Lovely, Denis!

Petra :))

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I like your poem on the "Writer's Block". Nice work!

1 Kommentar

Thanks :-). Now if only I could get a publisher

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I enjoyed your reflective poems and your writing style. Good job. Keep it up.

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I love to rhyme because that's how I met poetry. I love Rudyard Kipling and R.L Stevenson and they rhyme sublime.

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Gelöschter User

Love your poems especially the ones where some words are made up to rhyme. Poetic license I do believe is the crucible of talent out of which we weave...words.

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