The Peeping Tom

The Peeping Tom
Starling Stone was a recent Bachelor of Science college graduate from the state of Massachusetts, who had a stroke of good fortune when she landed a great job as a Pharmaceutical Representative for a large Pharmaceutical company in one of her most admired towns of Chester, Vermont. But due to her financial woes, she rented a cute inexpensive duplex apartment in a small-subdued community where she encountered an unsightly peeping tom who was mesmerized by her beauty and her nudity. Consequently, due to a slight mishap, she discovered that the gruesome snooper had complete access to her comfy little dwelling, overwhelmingly invading her privacy.

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Sadly The Price Some Have To Pay For Independence!

Starling seems to be in an envious position as she has started a new job and secured a two bed roomed flat solely for her own use in the beautiful countryside of Chester, Vermont. Given the circumstances it was natural for her to believe this would be the start of something good, and that she would soon make friends within the community.

The fact that she was about to be... mehr anzeigen

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lol! You know that's true! I spooked myself! I felt those same feelings while writing it! So glad you were entertained Chris-Jean and thanks for such a wonderful comment!!


The above review was posted &, Debbie.

PS. I believe the best thrillers, whether books or films, are the ones that play on your psyche as you are aware that the events have occurred/could possibly occur. - Kudos to yourself & all of the other authors... mehr anzeigen

The Peeping Tom eBook: Debbie Lacy: Kindle Store The Peeping Tom eBook: Debbie Lacy: Kindle Store

Wow, the UK too!! Many thanks Chris-Jean!! Your sentiments, support and kindness will never be forgotten!


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Wow, I've been busy! I'd like to introduce to you my friends my new ebook, entitled, "The Peeping Tom"! So check it out! I know you'll be entertained!

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