Does Love Last Foreva

It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. Von:
Does Love Last Foreva

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EAD ON OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 P.M 9 years ago a person named Jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was believed haunted. The next day his friends waited for him outside the house...... They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic. He wasn't supposed to sleep there. He was supposed to sleep in the living room they went to the attic
. They saw Jerry's corpse and they just left... mehr anzeigen

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“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”

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True. Yet this image pool is not a story. There's no words to go with the pictures.. just an ending imprint that says you had problems.. Write about them.. Explain... Pour your heart out and give descriptions to match the pictures. If that is what you are going for.

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