Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea
Lost at Sea with only his memories keeping him alive.
A loving man, wondering if he will see his bride again.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

You have good ideas and good sequence between action and reflection;however, grammar, sentence fragments and composition are very distracting. I suggest you read story outloud - make changes and then get someone to copy edit. Keep writing - good to read your work.

Wichtiger Beitrag

i did a school play on this book and i love it

2 Kommentare

Thank you! I'm pleased that you enjoyed it.
And welcome to BookRix!


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Wichtiger Beitrag

I found myself drawn into this story, waiting to find out what would happen. It seems sad and yet there is hope at the end, of his rescue and return to his bride. Your ship descriptions are quite thorough. What a lovely, heartwarming tale of a shipwrecked survivor longing to be with his mate for life. Great job, David.
Fan of David

1 Kommentar

You're a doll Melissa,

Thank you for reading this little story. I took one of my poems and made a story from it. There are some spelling issues in it, but I'm not perfect..lol

Fan of Melissa

Wichtiger Beitrag

i read it for my home work and it was gr8t i loved it how the author put gr8t words n nice structure thanks david

Wichtiger Beitrag

lost at see....is a great story of neverending love....and a walk between between death and life.


sincerely greets

Wichtiger Beitrag
petra michelle

He hung in there knowing he had to return to her! Love conquers all, doesn't it? Great, David! Good luck! Petra :)

1 Kommentar

Thank you for the kind comment my friend.
Yes, love can keep one alive.


Wichtiger Beitrag

Nice story. Other than grammar issues, I believe it played out well. You got a vote from me.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Very good writing. I feel that you have real talent. Keep going. You got a vote and a star from me. God Bless

1 Kommentar

I thank you for the great comment, and Star on this my friend.
It's always a pleasure to receive a comment like yours, brought me a grand smile. Thank You! And might I please add, that's a beautiful picture of the children.


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