Huckleberry Finn

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Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was first printed in 1884, eight years after Mark Twain wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It starts up where the other story finished, and the two books together are believed to be the best that Mark Twain ever wrote.

Huck travels down the Mississippi on a raft, facing many dangers on the way, and learning about life and what it means to be a friend.

There are truths that Twain tries to get people to think about through this book. One is to make us laugh at some of the crazy things that we believe without any good reason to believe them; and the other is is to make us question the way that people thought about slaves at the time of the story, in America in the 1850s.


This book has been written in "Easy English" (an English teaching program designed by author Dave Mckay).

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