The Magical Castle

The Magical Castle
This is a book i heard of but its my idea in general i got the base of the book idea from the old story i heard but other than that this book was 100% mine. Enjoy!

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Rgabel vor ca. 13 Jahren bearbeitet

Review - Everyone has a story. Either they have lived one, learned one, or imagined one. It is not, in the beginning, how well you write, but that you desire to write. Just as a child, you crawled, then desired to walk, and had to practice to do it.

You started off well. You built a scene, had suspense, created questions. This is good. Halfway on the second page, when she finds the knight, you lost Point of View and it was a... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
iluv.gummybears vor ca. 13 Jahren bearbeitet

this book sucks and i dont think you should write any more so thats all i gotta say and you should take my advice

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