Light of A New Day

Book 1: The Calling Von:
User: Dane101
Light of A New Day

Ordinary worker, Hamilton Key, rebels against work and the authority, thinking he has achieved a form of independence, when he finds the world has been taken over by alien armies, after returning home from a short vacation. On the brink of a zombie apocolypse, he prepares for the worst. He bypasses and runs through a severe revolution that has broken out in the streets of his fictional city Erotica, which sits on the east coast of America, awaiting devastation. Alien armies bring him through different eras, as he battles the conspiracies that have prevented humanity from moving forward. In this heroic tale, one man cannot only save the world, but everyone he meets believes in him.  His triumph is short lived as he faces more opposition and more obstacles to his freedom. Filled with Aliens, armies, killing and death, sex and humor, drugs, revolution, devastation, zombies, sickness, atrocity, mermaids and King Triton, Rastamen, giant breeds of kings and queens, outer space visitors, cannibals, corrupt police and age old guides and manipulative elitests, he must decide what is right or wrong for his constant need and struggle for survival. 

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