6 in love

love Von:
6 in love

THIS IS A BOOK that one day hope jc caylen sees it he is my number 1 idol he is the best but this book is a fanfiction about 6 people falling in love slowly hop u like

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KittyKat!01 vor ca. 10 Jahren

No offence, but, bad grammar.

5 Kommentare
pizza_queen vor ca. 10 Jahren

its not edit yet

pizza_queen vor ca. 10 Jahren

but if u dont like it then dont read it

Gelöschter User vor ca. 10 Jahren

un pizza queen this is bad..u should learn to accept ur mistake.......
don't get mad on comments better u improve it.

pizza_queen vor ca. 10 Jahren

lol im not mad i didnt put the second one my brother did

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