I am The Keeper

Magi's Journey Von:
User: scouts
I am The Keeper
A Wiccan Chosen to keep all earth bound magic When a magical being crosses into the next life. And her search for her true destiny. Along the way she learns of the burden and the joy of her gift

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

The previous comments have just about covered everything

You have a workable idea keep at it .
Tidy up and put in place all advice given
I am sure you are up to the task
Good luck

2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

I certainly agree my spelling is not the best here. But I wanted to get this idea down before i lost it. I do plan on fixing the spelling.
Thankyou for reading. And yes Wiccan are women who protect earth's white magic from the evil dark magic that could throw things into black chaos.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your spelling etc. is distracting but I like your development of plot and narrator questioning why she is made the healer. Story sometimes is confusiing. For example on On page 14 who is "she"? I will read more later. I like the idea of Wiccan as I understand these are women who want to keep earth's magic safe from evil? Is that right?

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thats what I want honest direct and helpful statements. This is a learning process for me and I relish your opinions and your suggestions. basically this is a draft that I will develop as I go. Thankyou I see that there is more to do as I develop this story. Many thanks. And I will wwork on the grammar. I am A poor typist.LOL

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have read your Keeper story. You really need to work on spelling and grammar and punctuation is a mess but the story is interesting and with work I can see it as an entire novel. Keep working on it. These are good criticisms to help you to write. Don't be discouraged as you have taken the first step that many many people never take at all. To get your story flowing try making larger paragraphs and use descriptins of the... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have read your Keeper story. You really need to work on spelling and grammar and punctuation is a mess but the story is interesting and with work I can see it as an entire novel. Keep working on it. These are good criticisms to help you to write. Don't be discouraged as you have taken the first step that many many people never take at all. To get your story flowing try making larger paragraphs and use descriptins of the... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have read your Keeper story. You really need to work on spelling and grammar and punctuation is a mess but the story is interesting and with work I can see it as an entire novel. Keep working on it. These are good criticisms to help you to write. Don't be discouraged as you have taken the first step that many many people never take at all. To get your story flowing try making larger paragraphs and use descriptins of the... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have read your Keeper story. You really need to work on spelling and grammar and punctuation is a mess but the story is interesting and with work I can see it as an entire novel. Keep working on it. These are good criticisms to help you to write. Don't be discouraged as you have taken the first step that many many people never take at all. To get your story flowing try making larger paragraphs and use descriptins of the... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have read your Keeper story. You really need to work on spelling and grammar and punctuation is a mess but the story is interesting and with work I can see it as an entire novel. Keep working on it. These are good criticisms to help you to write. Don't be discouraged as you have taken the first step that many many people never take at all. To get your story flowing try making larger paragraphs and use descriptins of the... mehr anzeigen

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