Designer babies

User: dahlia437
Designer babies
Inspired by a book, written by Preston Randall. Designer babies. Good that this will stay only a story, till long! With epigentics, scientists noticed, that...

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...ja Pflanzen haben es leichter.Keimen
mal eben "Töchter" oder "Buben".Aber leider auch alles wieder "geschlechtslos".
Bei der Altersangabe für Dein Buch steht: Ab 0 Jahre.Schon ein Hinweis für kommende Clonbabies?( Scherzfrage).
Cloned babies,I think, will be cared
by the authority in the near future.
So plants be cared by nature.Scientits I hope will be controlled by themselves.
Creationsts,Intelligent... mehr anzeigen

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Review - You have packed a lot of philosophy into a couple little chapters! It is true you cannot eat knowledge, but with it you can produce your own food. I agree, cloning is a long way off for people. And yes, I wouldn't mind having a few old pets back through cloning, but I know they aren't the 'real' ones and it wouldn't be the same. We need to learn the lessons that death teach us. As far as money and science getting... mehr anzeigen

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Frau Y. is watching you all over. She is spying in the sector of genetic manipulation. She doesn't know how to clone a money-cat (German: Geldkatze) from Euro to Swiss-Francs. But she is eagerly looking for all kind of blueprints that relate to this chapter. Actually she has her agents spread all over Vienna. Stay away this fishy gang.

I won't donate a black heart to your publication. Otherwise the agents of Frau Y. might... mehr anzeigen

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