Whatever Has Happened Is Justice (Spanish)

Whatever Has Happened Is Justice (Spanish)

There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part – or so it seems. Life circumstances can appear terribly unjust. Naturally we question, “Why me? Am I wrong? It’s not my fault!, Why do bad things happen to good people?”

Added to the many problems in everyday life, these situations can feel like the very definition of suffering. We may conclude that there is no God, question how to get inner peace, and how to live through such trying circumstances.

In the book “Whatever Has Happened Is Justice”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dadashri offers spiritual guidance on how to resolve conflict of injustice inherent in life.

Dadashri provides profound insight into the law of karma, explaining who is “The Doer”, who is at fault, and what is the cause behind every instance of suffering.

To attain an inner state of no worry, to begin to live in peace, or even to learn how to stay healthy amidst life challenges, this book will prove precious.

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Wellington, New Zealand

My husband and I have our health care proxies and contingent proxies. We tell
every doctor and family member, friends, too, about our end of life wishes--in

Nevertheless, he (age 85) and I (age 77) have our ""exit kit""--a la Derek
Humphrey in ""Final Exit""

We also have a pact: Don't call 911

We are hoping for good luck as none of this is a guarantee.

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