The Essence of All Religion (Portuguese)

The Essence of All Religion (Portuguese)

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges in their pursuit of spirituality and practice. As spiritual development progresses, facing one’s faults, failures, and unintentional mistakes become disconcerting – even for the most sincere seeker.

One may then ask, “What are the benefits of the different types of religion? From the many religions of the world, which practices will accelerate my spiritual growth? In actuality, how to live exactly?”

In the book “The Essence of All Religion”, Gnani Purush ((the enlightened one) Dada Bhagwan clarifies any confusion about religion vs. spirituality.

Dadashri offers the essential extract of spiritual science and religion in the form of Nine Kalams (highest spiritual intents). He explains that the Nine Kalams are the essence of the highest teaching of the religions of the world and the simplest, most direct means to live in peace.

The spiritual guidance available in this book is both unique and unparalleled.

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