Condemning Twilight

User: raeadnan
Condemning Twilight
The REd REvolution has torn the world in two. On the American continents, technology has bloomed, health care has advanced and lives are lived in safety. But in the Far East in what used to be China, Taiwan and its neighbors, history has reversed and slums dominate the cities, diseases run rampant and slavery is at its peak. Foreign regimes take over with little effort and men are killed for the clothes on their backs.

Even in hell, though, hope can be found. And destroyed.

Two sisters from the Far West are taken and sold into prostitution for being in a bad place at the wrong time. With their names lost to their new lives, Yu-en and Shi-en must learn to cope with their new hells, must fight to stay together and find a way to escape Tai-En-Pen, where Taiwan used to stand.

One sister's love will pave the golden road to safety, even at the sacrifice of her own heart adn soul.

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Washington, DC

I chose this profession, and I have chosen it every day for the past 33 years.
Much like parenting, it can get stressful and tiring, but more often it is
exhilarating and incredibly rewarding. I have never had a day when I did not
want to go to work. I am lucky enough to teach theatre and Student Government
to a students at a public academic magnet school. I earn a 6 figure income and
have great benefits, thanks to a... mehr anzeigen

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Definitely a good concept. And so far its well written. Definitely looking forward to the update!

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