Bringing Christ into the Hip Hop sub-culture

The Hip Hop culture Von:
User: czrosss
Bringing Christ into the Hip Hop sub-culture
Hip Hop is a subculture generation of people (youth and young adults) that originated from the African descent. These people customs, traditions, styles, morals, and communication all originates from the musical expression better known as “rap”. In order to grasp the true meaning and concept of this modern day young group that establish our generation, we must relate to the message in the music- with an open mind. Our faith must not be compromised by this new religion of Hip Hop but its remedy places a method of attack on the Christian faith. Christian Theism must take authority over this Hip Hop that has crept into our churches. Hip Hop is here to stay and isn’t going anywhere. Therefore, understanding the spirit behind Hip Hop subculture is essential so that we may reach all in the name of our Lord and savor Jesus Christ.

Hip Hop
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Just finished reading your book and enjoyed it.
My feeling is; if Hip-Hop brings people together and gives them courage to meet the tests of life then that is a good thing.
Yes I see the need for redemption and for sanctification, a strong christian interaction might well accomplish that.

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