Things That Go Bark in the Night

User: rustifer
Things That Go Bark in the Night
Dogs, in particular Jobee.

Dogs, CornFed
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I can't believe I hadn't read this yet.
This turky-turn-tan kid - this 'steak with legs' just completely won my heart Rusty.

I salute you for being able to give such a winning personality to a dog. Not an easy thing to do...or there would be a lot more animal stories out in the world. Your dialog for Jobee was perfect...I could see the two of you doing the 'babe' thing together..:)

Not only is this a perfect also has... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Ya know, you hit this wonderful compliment at the perfect time. I really appreciate it and I have been thinking about the next step...publisher/agent type of stuff but without knowing anything but a hunch.

Now, thanks to you, I see the hunch was right.

I think Jobee would say... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi Russ,

I laughed my ass off!
This is great stuff.
I'm adding you to my favorites.

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