Dating Views from Where I'm Tied to the Windshield...

User: cvarriale
Dating Views from Where I'm Tied to the Windshield...

A VERY Comic Look at Modern Dating... sure to make you feel you haven't yet scraped the bottom of the barrel.


I already did that for you.


...and then I went OUT with the damn barrel, and I wrote about it.


You're welcome, ladies.

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comedy, dating, romance
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

My God you American woman are fussy about men! Irish woman usually just have the one man, FOREVER! ha ha. I enjoyed your writing, very funny and it did not wander all over the place.



Wichtiger Beitrag

This book is hilarious!!! I cant count how many times I had to pick myself up off the floor!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

make your fonts bigger. I would love to read your story but the type is too small. Thanks.

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