Love in the wrong place

Love in the wrong place
What do you do when you find your true love in an awful place? Do you stay with him or leave him?

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Hey I'll add more soon. I've beeen so busy that I haven't been able to write. I will add more asap. :)

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B ︀е ︀s ︀t ︀❤️ ︀P ︀о ︀r ︀n ︀★ ︀S ︀t ︀а ︀r ︀s, ︀open ︀link ︀↪ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?cmramey165_1289935952.5183310509

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Thank you. I'll add more soon. I didn't mean it to be underlined, I keep meanng to fix that. I'll let you know when I have more. I really appericate the feedback. Sorry for the misspelled words, I'm terrible at spelling.

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Very interesting premise. It's kind of like "Oliver Twist" with homeless girls instead of street waifs. There were a few spelling errors (no biggie) and one misused word ("suppressed" instead of "surprised" on page 21), but overall it was very engaging. You get the reader to care about your character right away, while creating plot twists and conflict easily. This is an excellent start! I'm just curious, though - did you mean... mehr anzeigen

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You have a great beginning here. Keeps your interest, dialog is good. Good job. Robynn

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