Loic Monerat & The Lizard Brain Spice Smuggling Syndicate

Loic Monerat & The Lizard Brain Spice Smuggling Syndicate

Comments by readers:


"It's brilliantly written. Like The Mandalorian but directed by Oliver Stone or Tarantino. The most hardcore fans will absolutely love it for the knowledge/referencing alone. It's always a pleasure reading such natural unnatural storytelling. Really impressive, both thematically and in writing style(s)! I really enjoyed it, it was a really fun read and I immediately got sucked into the story/universe. I'm going to re-read again and put Bossk on in the background” ~ Yvonne Rusty.


"They write Star Wars better than Star Wars writes Star Wars!" ~ Graig Scott


"If you don't read this, a Peruvian Goat smuggler will come round and shit in your slippers while you're havin a kip. A co-written masterpiece from two of the greatest underground literary geniai that the West Coast has ever produced! It is a creative arts piece worthy of your attention and locally produced originality." ~ Will Johnstone


AUTHOR's NOTE : Several years ago, Greg announced offhandedly, and drunkenly, that our mutual friend Loic Monerat had a very Star Wars-sounding name (pronounced mono-ray). Gregg is a good writer, and our styles mesh well, and he proposed we write a Star Wars story based on Loic. We decided to do a page or two each then just pass it back without conferring, or conspiring, or planning any plot. This proved to be a fun method because it kept the writing fresh, the writer finds himself in the unique position of not actually knowing which way the story is going to turn, or what’s going to happen next to the protagonist. It also means you’re constantly striving to do good writing if the last writer’s piece was really good. It also adds a loose deadline, providing me with something I severely lack, motivation. We did part one and got bored and wrote ‘to be continued’. Seven years later, a month ago, we picked it up again, and within a few weeks, using the same method, we had wrote a novella for part 2 and completed the tale. Anyway, that’s the story behind LM&TLBSSS, we hope you have as much fun reading it as we did writing it.


P.S We know how pedantic Star Wars fans can be, because we are two of them, and so we have done our best to ensure we remain true to the actual SW Universe, and I’m confident we have managed that, but feel free to pedant away anyway.

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