Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows
The sequel to "Rise of SnowClan", Dark Shadows holds more secrets about SnowClan and the other clans. With a prophecy still going round, will this clan get through yet another few moons?
(Yes, in this book after chapter 12 I am trying to cut down on the amount of cats. There are too many cats in SnowClan and some are not being featured as much. Also I'm loosing track of who's dying. :p I know I put that Nightflame had died, but he magicly popped up again in chapter 13. Ignore that bit please. But again, cats like Duckfoot, Wildheart and Shadowstar don't play any major roles now. So if your favorite cat happens to die, it's because I'm cutting down on numbers)

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "SnowClan"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Rise of SnowClan
Dark Shadows
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that is a sweet book please right another book in the snowclan series

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