Living Hell: 'Daughters of the Night' (On-Hold)

Prequel in the 'Escaping Satan's Clutches' series Von:
Living Hell: 'Daughters of the Night' (On-Hold)
“When I was a little girl and heard the word Hell, tons of horrific things took over my mind. I would think of fire, demons, and darkness. I would imagine tons and thousands of dead bodies tossed on a pile next to a crack in dried up land, lava circling inside. I could practically hear all the screams and pleas of mercy, torture, and pain…never did I think that I’d actually get a chance to see if all my theories and wonders about the underworld where true, let alone live in a castle with Lucifer, the devil himself…”

Naomi Thompson has very little memories of her past, before she was kidnapped by a mysterious creature and brought to Hell to live with Lucifer and his mistresses. But when she runs into a familiar face, on the night of her sixteenth birthday, she wonders if this mystery man has the key to her past and future. Maybe he can even help her escape...

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Escaping Satan's Clutches"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Living Hell: 'Daughters of the Night' (On-Hold)
Prequel in the 'Escaping Satan's Clutches' series
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

You should definitely update this stuff. It is amazing!!! I'm sitting here, in suspense; I don't like it very much, :).

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Wow! this is really good, I wish you'd write more!! Keep up the good work:)

Wichtiger Beitrag

this is crazy im scaried for her, but i really like it and i look forward to the updates

Wichtiger Beitrag


This book is a prequel to the 'Escaping Satan's Clutches' series, meaning it's a story which happened before the actual series. Reading this will result in greater knowledge and understanding of the books in the 'Escaping Satan's Clutches' series to come, but will also reveal some secrets that will not be mentioned in the series until l8tr!

So read at ur own risk! BUT ENJOY!

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