Born to die

Born to die
You see I am a tool. A weapon. I was born to kill. I was born to die. To be sacrificed by my own people. This is the foretold prophecy......

tribe, tribes, born, to, die, chloe, brown, scarlet, ribbon
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That is really good. I love it

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shiz that was cool write more please!!!!!!!!!1

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Hey I sorry I didn't get to read your story until now, I've been a bit out of commission. I greatly enjoyed your story, thank you for recommending it. I must say the cover is an eye catcher, and I know it had to be short for the contest but I hope you lengthen and detail it some more. Again good job :)

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Gelöschter User

This is a brave snapshot, if you will. I gather it met the requirements for a competition but, to my mind, it appears a window into a much greater story. I hope you save it and plan to develop it one day. Nicely done, Chloe.

By the way, it was the cover that caught my eye.

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the girl who is in the cover is ment to be the main charcter- I was ment to edit it but I didnt have time

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Umm I think the cover does not fit the story. It was a good but this is unfinished...

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Glynis Rankin

I came to vote, although there were errors in your writing, I still think it was good enough for my vote. Good luck!

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