Chronicles Of Diva

'Guardian Of The Gods' Von:
Chronicles Of Diva

A long time ago, Gods Of Diva were created to protect The Creator, no one exepected the God Of Darkness, Mægress, to turn against them. Mægress and Al-Makrox, the lord of the underworld plans to destroy the whole world (Like every other villain). Mægress killed most of the Gods with the aid of Al-Makrox. Atro, the Goddess Of Light, was the only God left. Mægress and Atro was killed at the same time. The Creator, growing older and weaker by the time, used some of his powers to reincarnate the Gods' soul with a some human's. Mægress' soul was collected by Al-Makrox, he too will be reincarnated. 


3000 years passed and finally Chikato is born. His birth reawakened the Atro, adventure awaits Chikato as he goes on an adventure to find more Heroes With Gods' Souls. They will be the Guardian Of The Gods.


P.S I am just only 15 with lots of crazy and stupid ideas, please pardon my idiotic grammar mistakes! Thank you very much.

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