Eve's Hollow

Thundersnow Von:
Eve's Hollow

Estelle, the single pure piece of a once wicked person is sent to the city of Eve's Hollow in order to earn a life for herself while at the same time paying for the mistakes of her past life.

Estelle, now a Seeker in the city must brave those treacherous streets and find her Guardian. Her Guardian's job is to help her through these trials and protect her from the horrors that Eve's Hollow has in store for her. With angry factions, a foggy red sky, rampaging monsters in the streets, and murderous woman's eyes on her, Estelle has her work cut out for her. Can she find her Guardian before one of the many horrors of the Hollow tears her apart?

NOTE: This story is currently ongoing.

ATTENTION!: If there's anyone out there still reading this, I just uploaded Chapter 4!

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