User: chance
Living a double life can be hard, but when your heart and very existence is at stake, it can be murder. Beaten, bruised and torn, Rain Jenkins lives in the shadows of the ones around her. Invisibility has been her comforter and friend since the age of five when she was dealt the first blow to change her life. Just a few days shy of turning nineteen, Rain makes a discovery about herself that will lead her on a journey that will not only change her life, but will turn the lives of the one’s closest to her into a whirlpool of love, pain, and brutal revelations. Can Rain prove that love is universal and worth every tear? This is what Rain will try to prove in her quest for self discovery in Shameless!

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "RAINBOW KISSES"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Faking My Way 2 the Top
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

not sure if i answered this, but recently uploaded part of part 2 of the series: Faking My Way 2 the Top...

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you so much! I am happy that you enjoyed it... check out the second part of the series if you will and let me know what you think! you guys make writing worth it!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I am really glad that you enjoyed it! I have uploaded part of the sequel called Faking My Way 2 the Top.... check it out and let me know what you think! Thanks again!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

This Book was so good i really enjoy ... Nice please keep the stories coming

Wichtiger Beitrag

A few weeks ago, "Shameless" was our book club's featured selection. Opinions were varied but overall enjoyment was shamelessly (pun intended) unanimous!

While there were more sections that could benefit from tighter editing that should have been, the typos and unclear passages were easy to overlook.

Books written for and about lesbian women of color are poorly done or nonexistent. But, with it's rapid page-turning cadence,... mehr anzeigen

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