Actually, It's About Love

Actually, It's About Love
Actually It’s About Love! inspires people to find their way back to love. This book is for women who have lost their passion, or do not know what that is. It is for people who, on the surface, appear to be successful, but who are reeling under the turmoil of a stressful life and who know that there must be more to life. It is for people who are unhappy for no reason. They just do not feel connected to anything or anyone. They are searching for self knowledge and self discovery so that they can feel that they are making a meaningful contribution on the planet.Personal stories of Celine's journey of finding her way back to love, finding her true identity, both inner and outer, help outline a path back to love via a five step process. When you find the Life Path that is right for you, clarify your identity within that Life Path, your true Life Purpose/s will emerge naturally. You will reconnect with your natural talents base and hence your passions. Only then will you be able to set and achieve meaningful goals, goals that are truly relevant to the real you. You can discover your passions by connecting with spirit. You can also uncover your passions by finding the Life Path that is right for you. This book is about finding your spiritual and human Life Path. Understanding your spiritual foundation and implementing the tool of forgiveness, and practicing daily techniques, will guarantee your success. You too, will learn how to live a more rich and fulfilling life, the life that you deserve, now!

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