Mofongo is the story of young Sebastian who dreams of running like the wind across the soccer field and scoring countless goals, but his heart defect forces him to stand on the sidelines and watch. His parents are overprotective, but they’re unable to shield him from their family problems or the bullies at school. Fortunately, Sebastian finds sanctuary in his grandmother’s kitchen. Working side by side, preparing exotic dishes from her homeland of Puerto Rico, they discover a new purpose that brings them healing and hope.

A story for the entire family, Mofongo is about creating heaven on earth, and learning how to listen with your heart. Readers will come away with a renewed appreciation for life and the delicious realization that a meal prepared with love not only feeds the body, it nurtures the soul.

“Reading Monfongo evoked both laughter and tears.” – Amazon Review

“It will do your soul a world of good.” -Amazon Review

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